Inventory Movement Report

This report provides a comprehensive review of product inventory movements, including sales, purchase orders, refunds, audits, and more. This can be helpful and tracking inventory discrepancies.

Data Selection:

Note: To access the complete product movement history, input the start date of the initial purchase order.

Report View:

Each record includes multiple columns providing detailed information about individual inventory movements:

  • Date/Time: The exact date and time of the product movement.
  • Employee Name: The name of the employee who processed the product movement.
  • Action: Describes the nature of the inventory change, whether Decrease or Increase.
  • Movement Reason: The reason for the inventory change. This can be Sale, Audit, Purchase Order, ect.
  • Qty Change: The change in quantity.
  • Inventory Change Warehouse Name: The location where the inventory change took place, which can be Storage, Store, or Damaged.
  • All Warehouses Previous Qty: Inventory count in all warehouses before the transaction.
  • All Warehouses New Qty: Inventory count in all warehouses after the transaction.
  • Lot Number: Identifies the batch of the product.
  • Inventory Change Page: The system page or section where the inventory change is recorded, noted as "POSPage" for point of sale.