Loyalty Discount - Percentage Discount

Our system currently do not support automatic percentage discounts on total orders based on specific point values, so we're using this temporary workaround.

For training purposes, we're using the following scenario:
• Customers with 500 points get 5% off their order.
• Customers with 1000 points get 5% off their order.
• Customers with 700 points get 5% off their order, with 200 points remaining in their account.

Create a Customized Discount

Step 1: Go to Menu > Pricing > Customized Discount > Add New Discount.

Step 2: Fill out information like name and discount amount. These two are the mandatory fields.

Step 3: Save.

Deduct Points & Apply Discount

Deduct the Points

Step 1: Add member to the order.

Step 2: After adding the member to the order, check their current point balance on top.

Step 3: If the customer decides to use their points, deduct 500 points from their account by clicking the "Reward Points" button

Step 4: Enter management approval if needed. Then, input the number of points to deduct, add any notes, and click the "Deduct" button. 

Apply the Discount

Step 1: Click on Balance Due > Apply Discount.

Step 2: Under Customized Discounts, select the discount value.

Step 3: Then click on Apply, it should now apply the discount percentage to the order.